Monday, November 25, 2013


Several years ago, an acquaintance of mine, who knew I had a knack for transforming objects, brought me a used vanity chair that he had found in the trash. Even though it was in bad shape, I was excited to give it a well-deserved makeover.

It took me some time to decide how I was going to transform this little beauty.  I knew I wanted to give it a glamorous look, so at first I sprayed the metal support with gold paint until I could figure out what I wanted to do for the seat.

I was inspired to sew a heart with beads and buttons on a piece of purple fabric.  By the time I finished the heart, I wasn't thrilled with my creation. The colours didn't seem right and it wasn't elegant enough.  But since I was out of ideas, particularly good ones, I chose to go ahead and cover the seat with the fabric and just keep it that way.  I placed the vanity chair in my room where I would use it to put my clothes.  At that point, it didn't really matter if I liked the chair or not since there was always  a few pieces of clothing hiding the top of the seat.

One day, I found a big square of hot pink coloured faux fur in a thrift store.  I had no idea what I could use it for, but I loved the colour and the fluffiness so much that I decided to go ahead and buy it.  Many weeks later, as I was tidying my room, putting away the small pile of clothes that had accumulated on the vanity chair,  I saw the top of the seat with what I considered to be by then boring purple fabric with a not-so-hot bead & button heart.   I suddenly thought to myself:
“Luma you know what would look great on that chair? Hot pink fur!” 
I was so fired up by the idea that I went straight ahead to find that fabric and started cutting away at the faux fur, eager to transform once again my chair to something with real funkyness and glam!
Like the wise say, if at first you don't succeed... just revamp the vamped!